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Blue diamonds outpace pinks in latest price analysis


The latest edition of the Fancy Color Price Index shows an overall rise in colour diamond prices, with blues slightly ahead of pinks.

By Arabella Roden • Editor

New data from the Fancy Color Research Foundation (FCRF) indicates blue diamond prices have increased more than pink diamonds over the second quarter of 2021.


The Q2 2021 edition of the Fancy Color Diamond Index – which tracks prices of blue, pink, and yellow diamonds traded in New York, Tel Aviv, Geneva and Hong Kong – showed blues rose 0.4 per cent, slightly ahead of pinks at 0.3 per cent.


Yellow diamond prices remained stable, increasing by 0.1 per cent – a slight improvement on the previous quarter.

Fancy intense blue diamonds of 1.5 carats and 1-carat fancy pinks saw the highest price increase at 2.2 per cent, followed by 3-carat fancy pinks at 2 per cent.

However, larger blue, pink, and yellow diamonds either remained stable or declined in price, with the biggest drop in 10-carat fancy yellows.

Oren Schneider, FCRF Advisory Board member, said, ”As retail in the US, Asia and Europe copes with the new realities and constraints of a COVID-economy, we are still seeing supply shortages in the fancy colour diamond segment that provide pricing stability.

"Inventories are still at a historically low level for this product.”

The FCRF temporarily suspended the Index in April 2020 due to low trading volumes as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic; it later determined that prices across fancy colours slipped by less than 1 per cent over the calendar year, and had begun to rebound by the fourth quarter.


Source: Jeweller Magazine 5-8-2021