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GCDC awards exhibition will land in Birmingham next month


The Goldsmiths’ Craftsmanship & Design Award winners’ exhibition is heading to the Birmingham Assay Office this March.

The Awards Ceremony is taking place at Goldsmiths’ Hall in London on February 24, after which the exhibition, which has never left London before, makes its way to Birmingham. The exhibition will celebrate and bring together a selection of this year’s award-winning pieces.

The Goldsmiths’ Craft & Design Council have been running the competition for over 110 years and is unique and industry-focused, that promotes excellence in jewellery, smallwork, silversmithing and the allied crafts. The competition is open to everyone practising in the UK, engaged in designing or working with precious metals, gemstones and other related materials.

The Awards has helped, nurtured, promoted and fostered the careers of many eminent craftspeople in the profession such as John Moore, Tom Rucker, Jane Short, Fred Rich & Sonia Cheadle.

The exhibition will run from March 11-27 at Birmingham Assay Office, which is situated in the heart of the city’s jewellery quarter. This will allows those who work or live close by, or in the surrounding area, an opportunity to experience the winning pieces first-hand.


Source: Professional Jeweller 20-2-2020